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An Opinion on the Digital Wall: GDPR’s Impact on the Global Web

There’s a digital wall taking shape in the virtual world, creating a tricky part in the way information flows across borders. It’s the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in action, an EU enforced data protection rule that’s shaping how the internet works. This mechansim has presented an overwhelming challenge for many organizations who are now unable to grant access to their visitors from the European Economic Area (EEA).

GDPR: Understanding the Twist and Turns

The recent turn of events has prompted us to take a closer look at the fine points associated with the GDPR. Essentially a privacy law, GDPR is supposed to aid users in better controlling their personal data. However, as we dig into it, it becomes apparent that this well-intended law is laden with confusing bits.

Borderless Web Vs GDPR: An Off-putting Dichotomy

On one end we promote a borderless web where data flows without restrictions. And on the other hand, we have GDPR, which inhibits this flow. This dichotomy is full of problems. Nations are finding their path along this potentially hazardous landscape while global online domains like ours – – are caught up in this gnarly and nerve-racking situation.

Limitations in e-Communication: A New Reality

Complying with GDPR provisions can be intimidating. To avoid penalties, all e-communications must be moderated for GDPR compliance. It’s these little details that are changing the way people perceive and interact with the world wide web, making domains reluctant to accept visitors from the EEA.

Economic Impact of the Digital Divide

Of course, these slight differences in how different regions access the internet have had an impact. Companies trying to make their way through these tangled issues are inhibited, causing an unwanted impact on global e-trade. We understand that businesses need to steer through these challenges and hence, our resolution to remain as accessible as possible

Your Access to Franklin News: A Critical Discussion

For us at Franklin News, this has led to some super important decisions regarding your access to our content. Much as we hate to deny our readers this access, we find ourselves on edge as we try to navigate the muddy waters of GDPR compliance. However, we are committed to finding a solution in the face of this loaded issue.

Get Involved: Maintaining Open e-Channels

We urge our readers to dive in and understand the complicated pieces of GDPR that are causing this shift. It’s only by understanding and working through these challenges that we can maintain our open e-channels. You can email us anytime at or reach us at (847) 497-5230 to discuss these matters further.

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